Services are provided by Marilyn Fraktman, RN

Prenatal Visit
(1) Visit, usually 1 hour in duration

This can be a joint visit with both prospective parents or an individual visit.

Discussion related to the progression of the pregnancy
• Difficulty conceiving
• Issues creating anxiety during the pregnancy
• Development of medical problems during the pregnancy:
Gestational Diabetes
Premature labor
High Blood Pressure
Discussion related to physical and emotional readiness for delivery
• Understanding the onset of labor
• Considerations regarding the labor and delivery process
Teaching/support related to labor and delivery
• Printed material related to the labor process
Teaching/support related to infant care and feeding
• Understanding of breastfeeding and its challenges
• Resources for breastfeeding support
Discussion related to an available social support network
• Explore post partum needs and available resources to meet those needs
Discussion related to a smooth transition into the parenting role
• Explore previous experience with newborn infants
• Explore one's knowledge of infant growth and development
• Explore issues related to adjusting to new family roles
Post Partum Visits
(5) Visits ranging from 1-2 hours in duration

Suggested timing for the first post partum visit is usually 3-5 days post normal vaginal delivery and 6-8 days post Cesarean. The rationale for this timing is to allow the new family to settle into their familiar environment and begin the process of caring for their newborn. If the new mother is breastfeeding it gives her an opportunity to generate questions. It is also the time that the breast milk is in. It is a visit that acknowledges both parents and their individual needs and strategies as they transition into the parenting role.

Subsequent visits: will be arranged based on the needs of the family.

Telephone contact: Telephone calls between visits from the professional are a way to check in and answer any questions that may have arisen after a visit. Telephone calls from the new parents to the professional are most welcome.

Mother Services include:
Physical assessment of the mother
• Temperature, Blood Pressure, Assess bleeding, Assess level of the uterus, Assess perineal tear (stitches), Assess breast and nipples
Teach and support the post partum recovery process
• Review the importance of rest, good nutrition, adequate hydration, and limited activity
Assess/teach/support breastfeeding
• Observe breastfeeding
• Offer support/teaching
Discuss the psychological response to the adjustment to the parenting role
• Review the normal response to "bringing baby home"
• Review the normal response to the feelings of being overwhelmed
• Review the normal response to sleep deprivation
• Review the important role of supporting the partner's parenting efforts
Assess the social support network
• Encourage accessing support
• Refer support resources
Assist with social support resources if needed

Discuss the psychological response to the adjustment to the parenting role
• Review the important role of supporting the partner's parenting efforts
• Review the role of assuming additional family responsibilities
Physical assessment
• Temperature, heart rate, breathing, cord care, circumcision care
• Weight
• Feeding: breast or bottle
• Temperament
• Jaundice (Bilirubin levels are not taken)
Growth and Development
• Teach normal newborn development

Contact Marilyn by Phone: 617-966-3382 or by E-mail: